How to Install Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Decent ROM M-1.1 on T-Mobile Galaxy Note 5 SM-N920T.
T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 5 SM-N920T [nobleltetmo] Decent M-1.1 ROM is based on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow and According to XDA member Umair Ahmad, this ROM is stable.
÷ Rom Information:
*Model N920C*
*Base N920CXXU2BPC2*
÷ Features :
*Non Aroma*
*Stock Deodexed*
*Light Debloated*
*Removed All Play store apps (whatpass , Skype , Instagram and bla bla)*
*Removed All Microsoft apps (Powerpoint , Execl and bla bla)*
*Removed Few Samsung Bloatware*
*Knox Free*
*Ram optimizations*
*Fast & Smooth*
*Battery Friendly*
*Default Animation to 0.5*
*All App in MultiWindow*
*Private Mode working*
*Light Debloated*
*5 Way Reboot*
*Multi User Mod In SystemUI*
*CSC Tweaks*
*Build.Prop Tweaks*
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÷ Prerequisites:
This tutorial is only for installing Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Decent ROM M-1.1 on T-Mobile Galaxy Note 5 SM-N920T Please do not try on any other Galaxy Note 5 variants.
•Your phone should have a custom recovery installed in order to installthis Tyrannus ROM on your phone.We will be using TWRP Recovery for this tutorial.This tutorial will wipe out all your data.
•Make sure you backup all your data in your phone before proceeding.
•Samsung KIES will NOT detect your phone after installing this ROM because it is a custom firmware.
•Perform a Dalvik Cache wipe before proceeding from the Recovery Mode.
•If you are already on MM and have MM bootloader and modem then skip steps 4 to 6.
*Disclaimer:÷ Prerequisites:
This tutorial is only for installing Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Decent ROM M-1.1 on T-Mobile Galaxy Note 5 SM-N920T Please do not try on any other Galaxy Note 5 variants.
•Your phone should have a custom recovery installed in order to installthis Tyrannus ROM on your phone.We will be using TWRP Recovery for this tutorial.This tutorial will wipe out all your data.
•Make sure you backup all your data in your phone before proceeding.
•Samsung KIES will NOT detect your phone after installing this ROM because it is a custom firmware.
•Perform a Dalvik Cache wipe before proceeding from the Recovery Mode.
•If you are already on MM and have MM bootloader and modem then skip steps 4 to 6.
Android Custom ROM fix ® provide various Firmware Updates and Rooting process along with Custom ROM,Modes,file are all belong to their owners/developers. The autor of this site or the developers are not responsible, if you damage or brick your device.Do it on your own risk and follow the instruction properly.
* Important:
Backup important files stored on your device before proceeding with the steps below, so that in case something goes wrong you’ll have backup of all your important files.
÷ How to Install Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Decent ROM M-1.1 on T-Mobile Galaxy Note 5 SM-N920T :
1- Download Decent Rom M1 And Put the rom into your internal storage.
2 - Place custom kernel (Compatible with 6.0.1) into your internal storage
3 - Download and Flash twrp-3.0.0-0-nobleltezt-nobleltezt Using Latest Odin 3.10.7 .
4 - Download Latest MM Bootloader & Modem of your Varient and extract this file You will get 2 files sboot.tar and modem.tar
5 - Open Odin and First untick auto reboot Now Click BL and select sboot.tar then click CP and select modem.tar and hit start button.. once it will complete and you will see pass
6 - Now press Volume Down + Home Button + Power Button once you go into download mode Press Volume Down and Fastly Press Volume Up + Home Button + Power Button and you will be in TWRP Recovery
7 - Wipe cache, Delvik Cache, System and Data (don't worry this will not wipe your internal storage if you did not choose internal storage) Flash the Downloaded Decent Rom once finished flash kernel
8 - Once Done Reboot Device and Wait For 10 to 15 minutes.
That’s it! Your T-Mobile Galaxy Note 5 SM-N920T should now have Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Decent ROM on your phone! Go to Settings > About phone to verify.
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How to Install Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Decent ROM M-1.1 on T-Mobile Galaxy Note 5 SM-N920T.
Reviewed by Unknown
11:55 AM

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